Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Service Announcement: Anilinkz.com moderators abuse their power

I want to share with everyone the type of experience you can have on Anilinkz with moderators that abuse their power. Code Monkey (CM) one of Anilinkz main moderators attempts to tear down my character reacting emotionally online and then banning me because he couldn't handle my difference in opinion.  Please check out the picture below of the experience I had on Anilinkz site after commenting on an episode:

 Moderators are suppose to keep the peace not randomly attack users that use the site and definitely not ban people over it.
Moderators on Anilinkz will ban you for any reason they choose, I attempted to speak to another moderator on chat about the abuse of one of the moderators but he said I was probably in the wrong and lol'd and asked how I considered it abuse after I explained what happened. Also I logged into my other account to reply back and CM re-edited my comment to say this:

Notice how the response is always hostile from the Anilinkz moderator.
I've used Anilinkz for over 5+ years now but I will not again for people that find pleasure in being internet bullies. 

**Keep in mind, these are probably young immature kids running the site just be aware of what to expect. I hope this will make Anilinkz wake up and realize you can lose popularity if you abuse the users.**

Thanks for Reading,

Rose Confetti


  1. It's true. CM is an absolute scumbag mod/human. I feel for yaz.

  2. the dude banned me cause i told him this line (you are better than this dude dont believe those bullshitss) xD

    1. Yeah...I'm convinced he's a sociopath, literally.

  3. Well i know he can't take political opinions that differ from his own. God forbid you point out his bias and idiocy.
